Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger in the Woods!!

So Tiger Woods cheated on his wife and the whole world seem devastated by the news. People are calling him all sorts of names, the popular one being 'Che(e)(a)ter Woods'. I then ask why? I am always dismayed by the hypocrisy of the world. Had Tiger been Sipho from Alex, his behavior would have somehow been accepted and wouldn't have made headlines. But he is Tiger Woods they say. I then ask 'Who is Tiger Woods'? He is not God! He is a man just like me and you. He is susceptible to blunders just like everyone else. The only difference between us and him is that he won few golf championships. Then why crucify him?!

I think the real reason why people are mad at him is because people are always looking for heroes, someone who is faultless. Someone like Superman or Batman.Someone they can model their lives around. Well, let me burst your bubble - there are no perfect heroes out there. Spiderman is a myth! My friend Nonkuleko Godana once said that the only hero you'll ever find is the one you see in the mirror.

I am in no way justifying what Tiger did. I don't condone it but I understand. People need to learn that there are two kinds of men : Those who cheat and those who think about it. Chris Rock even said that 'A man is only as faithful as his options' - that theory is yet to be proven.
Let Tiger sort this thing with his wife. I doubt though that she'd leave him. The dude is rich. Ok, I'm just being silly here! All I am saying is let's leave him alone.

Tiger Woods erred. Let's forgive the guy and the reason why we should it is because all of us live in glass houses. The guy has won fourteen major golf championships. Can we not focus on that?