Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dude! Where Are The Fans?!

Last night on Discovery Sports Centre with Robert Marawa, I listened in dismay as the PSL CEO, Kjetil Siem, tried to explain why people don't go to stadiums. He tossed and turned, ducked and dived. By the end of the interview I still had no clue what was he saying. He was worse than Floyd Shivambu trying to explain why he said Helen Zille sleeps around. Well Mr Siem let me teach you a thing or two about SA football.

The main reason why fans no longer flock to the stadium is simple: PSL football is boring, period. It has nothing to do do with the price of tickets or how far the venue is or this or that. Bottom line: SA football is not entertaining. Studies have shown that people would pay exuberant amounts of money to watch whatever as long as they have something to gain out it. The World Cup 2010 being the prime example. Now, who would want to pay their money to watch dull football. I'd rather stay at home, at least there I can switch the channels should I get bored. It's so boring I once fell asleep during the Soweto Derby. Imagine...!

SA Football : As It Was

South African football has always been characterized by ball jugglers and individual players. We called it 'diski'... Let me take you back: I used to get fascinated when my uncle would passionately relate the stories of how Lucas 'Masterpieces' Moripe, Moran 'Samora' Khulu, Ephraim Matsilela 'Jomo' Sono, Joel 'Ace' Mnini, Frank 'Jingles' Parrera, Mlungisi 'Professor' Ngubane, Amos 'Heel Extension' Mkhari, Henry 'Mthofi' Khumalo were legends. He says Patson Banda was so good that when he saved a ball he will throw it back to the opposing team striker for him to try and score and he will save it again. Bear in mind that this was during an official game. And that's why people packed the stadiums to witness such brilliance.

As one grow I witnessed the talent of Doctor '16V' Khumalo, Tebogo Moloi, Helman Mkhelele, Sizwe Motaung, John Moeti, Simon Magagula, Zane Moosa, Scara Ngobese, Jabu Pule, etc. These players defined SA football. I'm not a Chiefs fan but I'd go to the stadium just watch Jabu Pule mesmerize the opposition.

SA Football: As It Is

Truth be told, foreign coaches and club administrators killed SA football. SA football style is so distorted that we don't even know what to call it. You can't call it English unless you want the English fans to go all hooligan on you! You can't call it Spanish unless you want to insult Messi! You can't call it Brazillian unless well, you know....! Have you ever tried watching a game between Maritburg United and Wits. My goodness! What a yawn! Last time we experienced the true SA diski was when Konstadin Papic was a coach at Orlando Pirates (I'm not being biased here just stating the facts). Why do soccer bosses keep on hiring these foreign coaches who come here to fail and then leave our football in shambles?

Way Forward

If you want fans to fill up the stadiums bring back 'diski'

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