Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fiasco At The Essential Rush with Chilli M

I am not the person who normally listens to radio, so last Monday I decided to listen to Y-fm. At that time Chilli M aka Vikani Masinga was presenting his show The Essential Rush. When I turned on the radio it seems that there was some sort of confrontation going on in the studio. This how, more or less, the dialogue went.

Chilli M: Dineo (Dineo is the producer of the show), you mentioned on the recent Y-magazine that I was impossible to work with. So I have decided that we cannot work together...It's either you leave or I leave...(no response from Dineo). Look at it this way, if I leave McG can take over the show. And if you leave I'd get to have more listeners, as it seems you are standing in way of the show's listenership growth.

Dineo: ...(finally says something) I have only been here for six months and the listenership is at 600 000. When I first came there was 400 000 listers...

So the dialogoue went on forever, with Chilli being the main talker. Eventually Chilli asked William Lehong, a newsreporter on the show, what he would do? William suggested that the last person that was hired should be the last person out. Funny enough, William was that person. So Chilli fired William.

Personally I thought that was a good act. None of it was real. No doubt the stunt that Chilli pulled will get him more listeners. To my suprise when I turned on DJ Sbu breakfast show the following day, people were talking about it - how Chilli M was out of line. It looks like people took it seriously. I maybe wrong but I bet my last R5 that whole thing was just an act. People might believe it to be true based on the fact that Chilli was not on his show the next day. Some might even suspect that he was suspended. I checked every newspaper to find out what might have happened but I could find nothing. It's either Chilli M show is not popular or the newspapers thought exactly like me - that there is nothing to it.

As it turns out that Chilli M is the master of controversies - The story about the Jack Daniels dude, the story about Casandra Gudluza and now this.

If the whole aim of that fiasco was to get more listeners, well they have succeded. I can't wait for Chilli to come back and explain himself.


Unknown said...

Heita ola!

I hear Chilli also had a problem with Dj Sbu's appearance on Y Mag when he had just come back to Y and he wasn't on the cover yet. So, they might be some truth in this cause someone feels left out. But I'm not sure about this having everyone listen on the conversations live on radio, that sounds like a stunt to have listeners. So, on that regard I'd agree with you that it's just a stunt.

Nkul_e said...

Got people talking... some have to make noise to be heard, some grind hard so that their work, not them, gets heard. Where do you think Chilli lies?