Thursday, July 16, 2009

South African Broadcasting Crap!!

How the HELL did SABC blow R800-million? Those were screaming headlines when SABC announced that they are broke. And I am reiterating - HOW THE HELL DID SABC BLOW R800-MILLION?! R800-million of tax-payers money!! It's not like they air the best of programmes. I can count good programmes on SABC on one hand and still struggle...
I know some people will say 'but people don't pay TV licences and that's why the broadcaster does not air good programmes'. Well, it's in their own right to say so...But lets do the basic mathematics here: There are about 20 million households with TV sets and lets assume, out of that total only 30 percent pay their TV licences. So that gives SABC a total of one billion, three-hundred and twenty million rands a year and that excludes money made from advertising. I don't know about you but that's a crazy lot of money. And when I am paying that much money I expect quality viewing.
My only conclusion to this will be : SABC has a bunch of incompetent idiots who don't know the meaning of being a steward. I hope they all get fired.

On the positive note though, I find SABC quite educational. Everytime someone turns on to SABC chanel, I go to the other room and read a book.


connie.sugar said...

i share your anger/frustration on this one.i think its not just SABC alone, but generally our way of doing things in Africa...the same, if not worse can be said about the national broadcasters in zim (ZBC) mozambique (TVM). count yourself lucky to be able to mention a few good programmes on...ZTV and TVM viewers have no such luxury..everything on TV is crap!!

connie.sugar said...
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