Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It is quite interesting to learn that Barrack Obama was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. The news were met by mixed reactions. Most people feel it came too early. I have to agree with them. I strongly feel it came prematurely.

The reason given for awarding him was that he brought a lot of hope to the world. I then ask : which world? Certainly Africa is not hopeful, actually South Africa is not hopeful - ask people in Sakhile township. I even doubt that Americans are more hopeful than they were a year ago.
I admire President Obama. He really worked hard to get to where he is at right now. I mean, no one knew of him 5 years ago. He came out of nowhere and took everyone by suprise. However I do not see how his achievements affect South Africa or the world for that matter.

Back to the Nobel Prize, I still say he doesn't deserve it, he doesn't need it. It will create unnecessary and unrealistic expectations from him. Truth be told, he hasn't done anything to deserve such honor.

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