Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Is It About Julius

I still fail why people get all worked up everytime Julius Malema says something that they don't neccessarily agree with. They always refer to him as the dude who fail woodwork. Just because someone got an H or G symbol doesn't mean that they are stupid. It could mean that they didn't study or didn't write the exam...We can't really use academic education as a benchmark as to who is intelligent and who is not. Bill Gates is a drop-out! Does that make him stupid? Sir Richard Branson can't read! Is he stupid? My point exactly!

Malema is not stupid I'd like to believe. All this could be a political ploy. Have you ever asked yourself why the ANC top leaders never reprimands Malema? For all we know Julius could be an A student and has an engineering degree. Ok jokes aside! Seriously though, next time Julius says something, take time to analyse it.

I am not a Julius fan, purely because I don't like politics. It's not personal. However I find his utterances quite interesting. More often than not he says all the things that people are afraid to say. He says what's on his mind regardless on how it's going to sound on the next person. And from my experience I have learnt that people secretly admire someone who speaks their mind. I think Julius has more fans than we'd like to think. Here are some of Julius' quotes:

"He must step down - We need a new president in Zim. The Zanu-PF is not the problem, the problem is the old man who is refusing to leave power. So that’s simple," said Malema.
"And I don’t know why the youth of that country are not taking him on. Because it is their own future, they must defend it now."

"We’ve got a minister who’s spending too much time using an American accent without assisting our people.
"Let the minister use that fake accent to address our problems and not behave like a spoilt minister."

"When a woman didn’t enjoy it, she leaves early in the morning. Those who had a nice time will wait until the sun comes out, request breakfast and ask for taxi money.
"In the morning, that lady requested breakfast and taxi money. You can’t ask for money from somebody who raped you."

South African politics needs Julius whether we'd like to admit it or not. Julius is to politics what manure is to soil.

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